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How to Convince your Partner that Permanent Makeup is Worth It.By Tamara D. Ferrigno

Procedures once reserved for top celebrities or for the rich and famous are now available – as well as financially attainable – for men and women across the World, 3D Microdlading, Eyebrows fills, eyeliner tattoo, permanent lip liner and permanent blush are just a few of the ways people are reclaiming their confidence and restoring a more youthful skin tone.But what if you’re keen to have permanent make up, yet your partner isn’t convinced of it’s value?

Here are some tips for convincing your partner that what you want is worth it.

Permanent Makeup is often about helping people with confidence. It can help to reduce concern about certain features that garner unwanted attention (missing brows , for example) or to reduce signs of ageing that leave us looking older than we feel.

But your partner may not think it’s enough of a concern – or may state they love you ‘just the way they are’ – yet you’re convinced permanent makeup is worth it, and you can see the value in having a procedure done.

Here’s what to consider when discussing your permanent cosmetics options and goals with your partner.

Many people don’t fully understand other’s motivations for permanent makeup, and each person’s reasons are very unique to that individual.

There are some common themes, however, and it’s important to be clear on why YOU want permanent makeup, and what you expect in terms of outcomes. Is it to fill lost hairs in your eyebrows (or to save time,used to do your makeup each day) after having children, so that you feel more feminine again? So you can finally celebrate your significant change? Or is it to rejuvenate an area of your face you felt was out of balance? Is it to regain a more youthful facial appearance when gravity and sun damage have left your face looking older than you prefer?

The top reasons people often seek permanent makeup are:

    • To enhance a feature they feel is out of balance with the rest of the face 

    • To reduce a feature that is overly prominent OR a focus of unwanted attention and non-welcomed comments (e.g., teasing or bullying)

    • To enhance a feature that did not properly develop (for example, missing hair in eyebrows)

    • To correct a deformity or repair tissue damage from an injury (for example, scar or missing pigmentation color)

    • To fight premature signs of ageing (Lips that are faded,discolored or damage due to long-term sun exposure)

Either genetics (not liking what you were born with), or lifestyle (sun damage or accident ) can often wreak havoc on the face.

Sometimes you might want permanent make up to correct something you were born with, such as remedying a feature you never felt comfortable with – or altering a feature that garners unwanted attention (e.g., thin eyelashes). Other times, it’s life’s events that have changed your face in a way you’re just not happy with; leaving you with a physical attribute that you really want to change.

Time and life events, such as weight changes, can really change our faces. With advances in technology and reasonable permanent cosmetics prices, more men and women are taking steps to reshape the eyebrows and revitalise their faces when makeup or skin care regimes no longer work.

As long as you do sufficient research on your options and are well aware of the potential benefits and potential risks of permanent makeup then it’s ultimately your decision.

But at the same time, it’s important you have a supportive environment in which to undertake such an important journey, including post-micropigmentation support. And if you’re also equally sharing your finances, then it’s something that you likely need BOTH of you to see the value in – or agree to what you can each spend separately on what you want.

You’re ready for Permanent makeup – but Is your partner on board?

Permanent makeup is serious business – so it’s crucial that you are choosing permanent makeup for your own purposes – rather than choosing it to please someone else.

It’s also key that if you are ready to have permanent cosmetics and are well informed about the procedures – that you’re not thwarted by a partner who simply doesn’t understand how much it means to you.

There are many reasons people consider permanent makeup – warding off premature aging, correcting facial features, appearing younger or vibrant – but what do you do if you’re ready for permanent makeup but your partner isn’t on board?

Though permanent cosmetics are a very personal decision, ideally your partner supports you, both physically and emotionally.

Discussing with your partner the real reasons you want permanent makeup or microblading – should go a long way.

Many partners will tell you that you don’t “need” permanent makeup – and in most instances, aside from aesthetics concerns, they’re right.

It’s not about your partner – it’s about YOU – and your comfort & confidence with your appearance

What you should try to convey to your partner is that you want the permanent make up or microblading – not to impress them or anyone else – but to feel better about yourself (and this should be true).

Depending on if you share funds or not, you should also discuss permanent makeup in terms of finances.

All permanent make up procedures are elective and therefore not covered by insurance.

Depending on how you and your partner approach finances, permanent makeup may need to be a mutual decision. 

In the end, some people have permanent cosmetics without the consent of their partner and others forgo the procedure because their partners aren’t in agreement. If a person really wants it and their partner isn’t on board, it’s also possible that resentment will build.

So it’s best to have calm, possibly even planned discussions where you cover all the concerns and motivations involved with your partner.

Conversations should also include the potential costs, as well as what it might mean to YOU in terms of outcomes (e.g., do you believe you will feel much happier, or more appearance confident, or have more freedom to wear different types of clothing or to avoid being teased about your appearance).

What you decide should ultimately be up to you.

Permanent cosmetics, Should Be For You

On the other hand, you should not pursue permanent makeup if you have hesitations – you should simply research it further and talk to other clients who have had the procedure you are currently considering.

Ask them what you want to know, such as:

    • How did procedure change them?

    • How did they choose their PMU artist?

    • What was healing & recovery like?

    • Would they do it again?

    • What’s been better after Procedure?

    • Has anything been worse?

Never choose Permanent Makeup to please a partner

Some patients come in for consultations at the insistence of their partner. This creates multiple issues for the partners as well as you if you’re the one being told you ‘need’ permanent cosmetics to be attractive to your partner.

Permanent makeup is a very personal decision and should be made by you and you alone.

After all, you have to live in your body every day and should be happy with it!

Do your Research – and show your partner real patient stories about how it impacted others

Many patients who participate in online forums claim a high “worth it” rate for permanent cosmetics.

You can look at SofTaps or The Pmu Hub or the Permanent makeup Forums to read more about how it impacted others, and show your partner.

If your partner is on board with wanting you to feel confident and happy within yourself, and you have good communication, chances are they will see WHY you are wanting Permanent makeup. You can also discuss WHAT to expect, WHEN you want to have it done, and WHERE you will be having your permanent makeup. Be sure to let them know that you might be emotional and second-guessing yourself in the weeks IMMEDIATELY following your permanent makeup – this is common for most patients, but after the healing process settles down, you’ll likely reach that point of saying “WORTH IT” – as so many patients report in public forums.

Most PMU artist Encourage Partner Involvement and Your Partner is Most Welcomed to Co-Attend your Consultations

I would be happy to discuss the pros, cons, recovery details, and financing options with you and your partner.

If you’d like to know more about procedures submit a confidential inquiry form on my website 


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