It's not your wrinkles but your eyebrows that are ageing you: Latest Hollywood beauty treatment sees
I really enjoy celeb watching. For me it's all about watching the parade of stunning women wearing dresses that I would neither be able to fit into nor afford.As I get older however, different things draw my attention. A clear sign that I'm firmly settled in middle age may be the utterly sad truth that, I am riveted by the almost perfect brows
And on a trip to the Netherlands about a year ago it seemed that I am not the only one. I spent my time there scouring the faces of the women - and men - that I met, trying to spot a fading brow or a missed shaped brow.
As a matter of fact I couldn't find a single poor brow on anyone. These women had expression lines, wrinkles around their eyes and on their forehead when speaking, but eyebrows and eyeliner that were as perfect as a girl just on a cover of a magazine
And I'm not just talking about 20-something's like Selena Gomez or Michelle Pierce, but even amongst the over 40's, and the 50-somethings, there wasn't a sad brow in sight. It's not just about being perfect, there's a natural look that on planet earth, as far as I can tell, just shouldn't naturally be there.So just how do they do it?
As a 40-something woman who is sadly observing a brow line that appears to be more and more desperate to rendezvous with my eyes each and every day – it had become my latest obsession.
After some calls to my best insider A-list Makesup artist, it seems the new trend in celebrity-ville these days is not about hiding your wrinkles, instead it's permanent makeup to be more precise it's 3D microbladed eyebrows, aptly named after the Realistic and natural look they display. I'm now performing this transformation at my studio and loving it take a look at my work on my site